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Serving New Jersey / New York Metro Area
Virtual and in-person appointments available in 24-48 hours.
Call: 732-734-1973

An initial homeopathic case taking is approximately 2 hours long. This is where the homeopath will be asking detailed questions regarding many aspects of an individual's life including: their mental and emotional state . These can stem back into childhood and include aspects like dreams, as well as family history and general lifestyle, just to mention a few.
Once a remedy has been selected it is either arranged for pick up or mailed out and subsequent follow-ups are booked based on progress and development of the individual.
YourHomeopathy - WHAT TO EXPECT!

Homeopathic medicine has been around since the 1700s, and is based on the Law of Similars, or “like cures like.”
Homeopathy uses safe, natural medicines from animal, mineral and vegetable sources to strengthen immunity and balance the physical, mental and emotional systems for truly holistic wellness.
Homeopathy has been practiced widely in England, India and the United States, where it is experiencing a resurgence.
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